Welcome to Leesville Southern Methodist Church

Leesville Southern Methodist Church located at 2252 Leesville Church Rd, Clinton, SC 29325, is a warm, inviting Christian fellowship with a rich history in Laurens County, SC.

Our service times are:


10 AM – Sunday School (Currently we have SS for Youth, Young Adults and Senior Adults)
11 AM – Worship Service


6:30 PM Bible Study via Zoom

Our Worship style is traditional:

  • Hymns from a hymn book accompanied by piano and organ.
  • Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Gloria Patri

The atmosphere is friendly.  We celebrate family and joyful community.

The congregation is involved:

    • Different people young and old participate in various parts of the service
    • Various calendar events, suppers, etc. are planned and prepared by rotating teams of members.  If you come to “stay” you will be co-opted if you are willing!

Our Dress Style is smart casual.  You will see suits, ties, and dresses but you will also see casual slacks and shorts, open-necked shirts etc. 

Sermons are biblical (mostly expository), and Christ (Gospel) centered. 

We hold a monthly men’s breakfast (donuts and coffee) called Cartwright Men.  That meets on a Sunday morning before Sunday School

A group of ladies meet monthly on a Monday for Bible Study and missions’ involvement.  They are part of the WMS (Women’s Missionary Society) of the denomination.

We are congregational and operate under a local church constitution.

We are a part of a denomination of congregational churches that function under the oversight and in fellowship with The Southern Methodist Church, a group of Methodist followers of Christ that in the 1940’s formed a separate denomination rather than continuing with what became he United Methodist Church.

Please call or text (803) 465-0567, should you have any questions or need further information.  If you get no answer, please do leave a message.

We would love to have you join us!

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